
SPE event

24 october 2023

On September 28, the 7th meeting of SPE International Kyzylorda Section took place in Kyzylorda. Our company was the sponsor of this event; Erzhan Kakimovich Tazabekov was invited as a speaker. The event was of a non-technical nature, on the topic: “The path to becoming an oil company: Difficulties and Successes.”

There were a lot of participants, and the event was also attended by students from the local university. In his report, Erzhan Kakimovich gave an overview from the beginning of the formation of the company to the present achievements. The lecture was so thought-provoking that the questions asked from the audience were both technical and general in nature.

At the end of the meeting, the organizer presented Yerzhan Kakimovich a book as small token to thank him for the lecture. This session was marked as one of the distinct ones because the director of the company held the lecture. A decision was made that at subsequent meetings, the organizers will try to attract directors of oil companies of our city to the role of speakers.

Feedback about the event from the participants:

On September 28, the VII season of Kyzylorda section of SPE 2023-2024 was successfully opened. SPE members, invited guests and students of local universities attended the event, where the General Director of Kazpetrol Group LLP Tazabekov Yerzhan gave a speech on the topic “The path of an oil company: Difficulties and Successes.” During the presentation, the main stages of the company's development, team formation, difficulties encountered and the tasks that the developing company sets for itself were presented.

The lecture aroused keen interest among the audience, as evidenced by the abundance and variety of interesting questions after the presentation. As a result, instead of one winner of the best question, the lecturer awarded three, including one student.

We express special gratitude to Erzhan Kakimovich for this lecture, and his company for sponsorship of the meeting and constant support of our section! We wish health, prosperity and further success to Erzhan and his team!

Feedback from the lecturer, Erzhan Kakimovich Tazabekov:

I wanted to thank everyone who was involved in organization of the SPE event where I was invited as a speaker. I didn’t expect that there will be many participants, but I am truly flattered that I was able to share my personal and our team’s experience, tell about our special corporate culture within KZPG, the formed team and, of course, the results achieved!

A platform like SPE is a good opportunity for everyone who works in our field, especially for young people. Personally, I receive additional information on many issues of geology and development at such meetings, as the experience of colleagues from other oil companies is being exchanged.

It was also a pleasant surprise for me that there were a large number of questions, which means the topic was interesting. This made me feel supported!

The chairman, seeing the interest, suggested inviting other heads of oil companies and businesses to future events.





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