
Visit of the Vice Minister of Energy Mr. Khasenov A. to the field of Kazpetrol Group LLP

19 august 2022

On August 15, our company hosted guests at our field – a delegation from the Ministry of Energy and the Regional Administration. The delegation was lead by Vice Minister of Energy A. Khasenov.

The guests arrived to our camp late in the evening so the decision was made to stay at our hotel in the new camp.

During the presentation of the activities of the Kazpetrol Group LLP, we also noted the existing problems of subsoil users, and the vice minister agreed and promised to provide assistance in solving them. Using examples, we have shown what problems we – small and medium-sized oil companies face.

The guests were impressed by our camp and modern approach to the arrangement of production facilities. It was especially noted that all of this was done by Kazakh specialists and regrdless that fact that oil industry was experiencing hard times, during a period of low oil prices!


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